We'd expect Starcraft for mobile to be something similar.

That leaves the question - what sort of shape might Starcraft for mobile take? Iron Marines has shown that the RTS can work really well on mobile, if the developer uses its nous to bypass some of the problems that are inherent to playing on a small screen that doubles up as the game's controls. It tried to branch out with Starcraft: Ghost, but after years in development hell that game - a stealth action experience set in the Starcraft universe - was officially cancelled a few years ago.
#Android starcraft ii series
After all it's what the series is known for. We'd be incredibly surprised, shocked even, if Starcraft wasn't an RTS. What sort of game is Starcraft for mobile going to be? We might not have the answers right now, but we've got some ideas about what the game is going to be like, and we've got enough experience of the mobile gaming world that they can all be called educated guesses. Obviously if you've got questions you'd like the answers to, feel free to chuck them in the comments at the bottom of the article. Do bear in mind that, right now, the game hasn't been announced, so this is a speculative piece. That selection of facts and thoughts has lead us to write this here article, which tells you everything you need to know about Starcraft for mobile.

What you might not have heard is that Blizzard is also planning to bring more of its IP to mobile. You've heard that Diablo is coming out for mobile, right? In the shape of Diablo Immortal, which was announced at Blizzcon? And then everyone went a bit crazy about if for reasons we considered right here.